Well, went on another race adventure to Michigan! We had absolutely beautiful weather! Thank goodness after we got rained out on our last race trip! We got there Saturday and spent a couple of hours in Cabela's, ate some steak, and then played miniature golf, and raced go-karts! Those boys were hilarious racing the go-karts! Of course you aren't suppose to bump each other.......well I wish I would have had my camera! They spun each other out quite a few times! They wanted to go see Lake Erie so we drove over there for a few minutes before we headed back to the hotel. In the pic below, Joshua Hawkins, Doug Swartzentruber, Jordan Hawkins, Brian Swartzentruber, Phil Hawkins, and Jason Hawkins.

Big brother Joshua and his little brother Jordan! Ahhh! They will probably kill me but I thought mom Hawkins would like this pic!!

The boys just or I guess I should say "men" just hanging out before the race! We actually had a lot of extra room so we could all stretch out! The race crowd was actually kind of sad....

Jason Hawkins, cousin to Jordan and Joshua, was all too excited for me to take his picture! HaHa- It was his first race so I had to get one of him! He loved it....needless to say he wants to go back!!

Just a pic of the pack....of course yes Jimmie is in the center of my pic!!